What does it mean to be called?
It means knowing oneself as infinitely loved,
discovering within yourself a desire to give everything.
It is the assurance that God is enough
and everything else is not enough.

To be called is to receive a gift that surpasses
all understanding. A gift that is nothing
less than God himself.
A gift He longs to give.

God calls each one uniquely.
For some, His call is heard at a very young age
and for others later in life.
He may make His voice heard
at a moment of prayer
or in the midst of an amusement
that suddenly becomes meaningless.

It can be dramatic,
so that one can point to the exact instant
of His invitation,
or it can come as a gradual realization
over the course of years.

God is a lover who respects our freedom.
He does not overwhelm or coerce.
His voice is soft
and we can ignore it
or drown it out
with the noise of the world.

If you suspect He is calling you,
it is worth your while to listen.
In order to hear Him,
you must separate yourself from the question,
"what is in it for me?"
Otherwise, you will only hear the tumult
of your own self-interest.

Do not be afraid.
God is your Creator who has made you
with a specific plan in mind.
It is your task in life to discover this plan
and to fulfill it
will be your joy.

Young women wishing to know more
may write to:

Rev. Mother Abbess
Bethlehem Poor Clare Monastery
5500 Holly Fork Road
Barhamsville, Virginia 23011

Phone:  757-566-1684

E-mail:  mtstfrancis@gmail.com

We accept women between
eighteen to thirty-five years of age.